
By dunkyc

Christmas Special

First day off today and it started like all nice days off do: in bed with a cup of tea and catching up on some blips.

I wasn’t sure about sharing my mental health status yesterday (was I sharing too much? Does everybody really need to know that?), but upon reflection I’m glad I did. Blipfoto is great for many things and for me personally, it has proven to be a great sounding board for the past couple of years and an exceptionally accepting, supportive and understanding community. You only need to look at the string of lovely comments on yesterday’s blip for proof of that. Thank you for taking the time to do so because it meant that any misplaced shame/weakness/disappointment I was experiencing has very quickly dissipated. You are awesome, thank you!

The Eldest abandoned us around midday for an overnight spa treatment thing with her mum, so in the face of some rather awful weather, we popped into town to get m’boy’s increasingly tousled locks trimmed (he’s back to looking sharp again) and on our return we picked up on some President Teddy filming as the wee ones wanted to do a Christmas Special. It’s some of their finest work.

I made a lasagne, we ate cakes, laughed at the silliness of the video and then before bedtime I was subjected to the incredulous Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger, about which and in the interests of remaining positive, I shall say no more.

It’s been a good day.

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