Pumpkin Pie Freshly Baked

Following on from yesterday’s entry, among the many confections, biscuits and food Pat has prepared is this Pumpkin Pie.

Photographed next to the empty Dome. There are several other domes and stands awaiting goodies.

I took an LFR test today and I tested negative. Fairly straightforward assuming you have average dexterity and can read the comprehensive instructions. 

Sandy and Inga F are joining us for Christmas Eve Supper. I suspect that the Pumpkin pie will not last long as Sandy likes all things Pumpkin.

The extra shows a minor disruption within The Policies. On the Dawn Patrol, I discovered one of our Lilac shrubs had literally collapsed!

There was no wind last night. This is the third Lilac that has "ceased to be" and I will spend the next dry day after Christmas cutting up the branches and storing them for firewood.

I think that the Lilacs are at least 80 years old, and they were neglected for at least 60 years. No surprise.

We have planted replacements but May completely redesign this area.

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