
By katgirl


Bob has turned into exactly the type of reader I was at his age. He has read 5 Diary of a Wimpy Kid books in 1 week. He often goes to school with a book that he has barely started and returns home with 100 pages already completed. "But what about your school work?" I ask. Bob just shrugs and says something like, "I got through all my school work as fast as I could so I could read." The only thing he likes as much as reading is playing video games. That is remarkably high praise for reading.

My Rituxan has not kicked in, or perhaps I am feeling the effects of the biological warfare the Rituxan has started. My joints and neuropathy are close to their worst in my feet. I try to do some positive imagery of those mouse monoclonal antibodies attacking my overzealous B cells so that I can see that the pain is not without potential benefit. But it definitely hard when pain takes over. I am glad to click through my blipfoto friends' journals, as seeing life through someone else's lens is beautiful, humbling, and wonderful when I get stuck in a rut.

Now I must make that boy put his book down long enough to take a shower! Good night!

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