But instead it just kept on raining

It's Christmas Time, and there's no need to be afraid. 

1984 - Can you remember that?

 I was living in Edinburgh in a cold and drafty flat in Newington with the BEST views over Arthurs Seat and the Salisbury Craggs.   

We watched in November  - the coming together of all the "A" listers of the day and ran out and bought the single as soon as it was pressed. 

It was everywhere. 

I remember every bit of that video - and so today, when I was looking for lyrics, I turned to it, and there, in the middle were two lines that I had no recollection of.... I searched for band aid - Holy Moly - Do you know how many versions there are of that song?    

The New Lyrics were added on Band Aid 20 - which would be 2004. .

There was also  -Band Aid 2, in 1989,   and Band Aid 30, 2014. 

And despite all the good intentions.... the people are still starving.

(we socially distanced present exchanged today - We can't risk Tooli  falling foul of Covid, not before her PCR Test on Tuesday - so it's the three of us, and LFT every other day.)


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