I wish you lived nearer

Much as dislike the internet at times - hate, even when my inbox is overloaded with promises of things far too good to be true or worse, dangerous falsehoods - it comes into its own on days like today.

Although Anniemay and I will spend the day in splendid isolation - we have turkey, nuts, pudding and fizz aplenty - we’re able to share love and laughs with family in Australia, India and the north of Scotland.  Thanks to the internet, we can see people as well as hear them. 

This Christmas gift arrived in the post for Anniemay from one of her nieces.  The sentiment is real - she means it.  

It made me think about all the other people who might wish for such a thing, especially today.  Those without the internet or phone - or someone to send them a gift through the post.

We Blippers are lucky - we’re never really alone.

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