Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Lean on Me

At last my crocuses are starting to open up :) This one though has a bent stem and is leaning on the white one which is not yet open, hence the title! Its trying to snow again, come on Spring sunshine...

I am in a lot of pain from my old knee injury thanks to having to stand and do a lot of photocopying at work yesterday (and also will be today).

Soooo, I'm back on the strong pain killers when I'm at home, which I have not had to take for a long time (and back to using the stick which I haven't been using for a while now)! So frustrating..... sighhhh

In these tough times I am really glad I have my inner strength and my Christian faith, as I do not think I could cope without it.

Here is a favourite worship song of mine ~ In Christ Alone :)

Positive thoughts for the day ~

Spaghetti bolognaise already in the slow cooker for my dinner tonight, so I won't have to do any cooking when I get in :)

Soooo glad that its my day off tomorrow :)

This morning I'm just beginning to prepare for the service I'm leading in a week's time (14th). I need to be well prepared ahead as I won't have the Sunday afternoon to do any last minute changes. My Small Group that day are going to visit a friend who has moved away, and we will only just get back for the service in the evening!

Have a great day blippers :)

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