Happy Christmas.

Our daughter  and 3 grandchildren came for cheese wine and nibbles at lunch time .they were late because one of the grandsons shut the door and realised the key was left inside.H went in knowing it was a pvc door and unable to do anything. So phoned a locksmith said it would be 350 pounds then phoned back to say the chap was off sick.so contacted another locksmith company  that covered this area and came from Newquay within the hour and charged 170 pounds .what a difference in price.our daughter was in tears when she arrived bless her with losing her dog this weekend. We soon cheered her up and all opened our presents. They left late afternoon to go to our other grandsons and family for their Christmas Dinner. I spoke to the grandchildren on face time.we are having our Christmas Dinner later I roasted the beef  this morning. 

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