Christmas Day 2021

Woke up to a white Christmas, well a hard frost.  A cold day, but flat calm, blue skies and sunshine.  Still calm and clear tonight, frosty and a snow flurry.

Up early, and headed out for walkies after breakfast.  Opened our presents in the late afternoon, and then Christmas dinner preparations begun, although peerie Brian is head chef, so I had my orders, and washing up after.  Today's dinner guests were mam and dad, also big Brian and Madeline.  A relaxing evening, a few drinks and then Laura and family came by, also Ollie dog.  We headed out walkies around Scalloway, then back to the house.  I'll not be turning anyone away this Christmas, not after a lonely one last year.  

Dinner was finally ready just after 3pm.  We started with melon balls in a Cointreau orange sauce.  We had roast turkey, mam made a roast beef, and then all the trimmings, for the main.  Puddings were made by both mam and Madeline.  Needless to say, we all ate too much, so a relaxing evening was needed.  L-R - Mam, peerie Brian, me, big Brian, Madeline and dad.  Taken at home, Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

Merry Christmas to all on Blipfoto :)

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