
Lateral Flow Test Negative.
Car wouldn't start this morning so taxi both ways, which didn't hurt really. We all had a good feed and after opening our presents it was time to get C home. She was in bed by 430 and then mum got picked up and I was alone by 5. Its been another odd Christmas, altho full credit to N and R for a sterling job this morning. I'm still feeling ill. My chest was so tight when we got home I couldn't breathe for 20 mins. Gonna have to contact a Dr next week, I can't go on like this.
Ate my tea at 10 with half a pack of pringles and a large Jim Beam.
Hope you all had a lovely time
Happy Christmas once again.
Hopefully I'll be back soon.
BP OK tonight but couldn't check my sat levels as the reader was flat..
Thanks to all for calling in, it means a lot.

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