
By Marionb

If You Count the Animals...

...we exceeded our COVID restriction of 10 at an indoor social gathering for Christmas!  So .....we just didn't count them. Two cats and a dozen or so chickens? Who would notice? 

Otherwise, we obeyed all the protocols...all fully vaccinated, those who could get tested ahead did, and no-one came with a fever or symptoms and had not travelled out of the country in the past two weeks. 

The celebration was at my nephew's house in the country which was a treat in itself..a chance to get out of town for a change ..It just seemed more Christmassy out in the country..our snow had disappeared overnight in the rain; they still had some..but they also had fog which added a little bit of a challenge for the drive...but it was worth it. 

A chance to visit, enjoy some conversation, good food and relax with two cats on my lap..Milo, the elder who is a lap cat, and Goji, the new rag doll kitten who drapes himself over any part of you he can! (main) 

The chickens provided a lot of entertainment for me too.. Especially when one of my great-nephews (referred to in the family as the Chicken Whisperer) took it upon himself to show me each variety of chicken by having them perch on his arm for me... how neat is that? 

So, a good Christmas day was had by was not exactly a White Christmas, but I guess you can't have everything ...

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