Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids


Hum ho. Another backdated post.

I never quite seem to get myself organised enough to post to Blip within the time frame what with all the Instagram stuff I need to post (@zerozero31), the feeds that need to be read and the blogs that need to be updated.

So today yesterday was interesting in the sense that I spent my day figuring out how to create sites using cutting-edge (to me anyway) technology such as jekyll, rails, ruby and cucumber. I'm baffled by it all to be honest. Being a dinosaur new technology takes a while to register with me and every new success feels like a new world opening up, one to which I had never previously traveled let alone bought a ticket. I feel like Van Leeuwenhoek must have felt when he first looked through his microscope.

Anyway, all of this 'experimenting' meant that very little actual work got done, this in stark contrast to the day before when no actual work got done. In other news: my appraisal has been put back a month, I need to get myself tested for Lymes Disease, I'm refereeing a hockey game on Saturday and I was saddened to hear the news about Ian Banks (no '.M' for me, I don't do science-fiction) whose books feature heavily on the Third Shelf (aka, The Scottish Section) in my book cabinet at home.

Oh yeah, the picture. One of a series I was doing for the April Photo-a-Day challenge on Instagram. The task for today (well, two days ago now...) was to photograph 'something beginning with A'. A tricky task. In the end I went for an iPhone and a copy of the local rag. The finished article can be seen here.

On the other side of the page was this photo a streaker making his way across the field during a game at one of our local football clubs on Sunday. A remarkable and daring move considering the cold and the numerous photographers present (it was an important game).

I can't quite figure out why he kept his socks on though, because they'd have gotten wet as he ran across the pitch. Although that, I'm sure, would be the least of his worries now that his arse is all over the local press.

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