Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I came down on Christmas morning to the usual wreckage of the previous night‘s party. You know the kind of thing - empty wine bottles, whiskey stained tumblers, leftover crisps, and discarded lateral flow kits, the standard fare of the modern holiday season.

We then did the first of our international family zoom calls (Woking - London - Sydney) followed by breakfast and presents. 

Squeezed an hour in the pub before Christmas dinner, which was the usual blow-out affair. Said hello to an elderly neighbour who had dressed the part. Slightly overwhelmed by an inflatable parade of seasonal icons in a nearby front garden.

TSM and I did a rather lovely short walk after dark to aid the digestion.

FaceTime with TGR who looked amazing. 

Die Hard in the evening. Still a great movie. Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*****

Hope you have all had a great time too, fellow blippers

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