Place: St Pete Beach, FL 57/75
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the condo
Notes: Woke early and did writing again. Headed out on bike well before sunrise - was completely dark until I got into Pass-A-Grille. Got the pic and rode along the beach side and then this pic on the bay side just a block from the beach. Did the Vina loop and got a cool pic of sun coming up on the Don. Just over 10 miles and carrying bike up and down stairs was the hardest. Made truffle eggs w/ salad, toast and coffee. Talked to Joe for 1:11:01 seems Moira is very jealous and ugly about the friendship he and I have. Was eye-opening. Walked out briefly on the beach, new loud people down the hall and below. Left my friendly note and hoping they will be better with the door. Bone broth cooking away all day! Messed with the Spooky2 machine more and ran programs non-stop. 

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