Carolina's journal

By Carolina


We actually got snow!!!   We had gotten a small amount then it rained and washed it all away.  I was up around 4 am and saw that the road was white but the grass was still green.  When we woke up hours later it was a winter wonderland out side and the kids started sledding down the hill in front of our house a few hours later.  It's been fun watching them go down!  We will have Christmas with our son and his family tomorrow as everyone seems to be doing well today and their 24 hour bug seems to be done.   Aria's Mom is doing a lot better but moving slower!  
   thanks so much for the hearts and stars of late and they are so appreciated!  So thankful for each of you dear Blippers this year and have enjoyed following your journals  of life where you live.  We have all been blessed this past year even with it's ups and downs.   My God is an amazing God !     Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great last week of 2021!!

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