‘Twas the night after Christmas …

…… and not a lot was stirring not even this mouse.

After the feast of food and drink yesterday a lie in was called for. However, for me there was a service to attend, this being Sunday. The third of 3 lovely Christmas services meant I was awake and ready for the day ahead of most of the rest of the family.

A quiet day. More turkey sandwiches; a couple of walks with the dogs; sat and caught up with Mary Poppins Returns ( an extremely enjoyable development from the original film); more turkey and then the David Tennant Round the World in 80 Days. Bears scant relationship with my recollection of the book but looks worth sticking with.

Our family tradition of picking up a decoration for our Christmas tree while on our travels was scuppered again this year. So our son acquired this one for the tree to remind us of our annual trips to collect our tree.

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