Two steps forward...

By stevvi


Following on from yesterday here’s another shot from behind the Home Made Bakery… taken from virtually the same place as yesterday’s shot too. I must admit that with the weather as wet and dull as it’s been around here of late these night/early morning/darkness shots are a real life saver, although finding locations is tricky for me as they need a different, and/or extra, set of criteria to day time shots.

Side story: When I was 16 I got sacked from my Saturday job at that bakery. Those that remember “The Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin” (UK TV in the 1970’s) may recall CJ’s “I didn’t get to where I am today by…” series of lines. At the bakery someone had spilled custard mix in the fridge and the boss got all the staff to solemnly gather round to look at the mess. He proceeded to say “I didn’t get where I am today by spilling custard in the fridge”... and he was being deadly serious! I naturally started sniggering and that was that. This neatly sums up my life’s interactions with those in authority.

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