Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Friday — Christmas Eve

Mr. Fun & I had an unplanned pregnancy in spring 1965. We were the talk of the town; our town was very small back then. That moment in time was horrible and horrifying. We got married and had a baby on my 16th birthday.

I can’t begin to imagine what Mary & Joseph experienced. The New Testament records the details in several places, but ink on paper can be so removed from the emotion of living the actual experience.

Bethlehem was swollen with people who were there for the census. There was no place for the two from Nazareth to spend the night. Giving birth to a baby in a dirty smelly barn surely wasn’t what Mary had dreamed about or hoped for. Oh Mary, I can only imagine.

Christmas Eve has arrived.
Joy, unspeakable joy!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka, Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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