Christmas Day

The day started about 7am when phones were pinging with messages from the children wishing us a merry Christmas and they would be on their way soon.  They arrived before 9 in their Christmas pyjamas.

Little O joined us for present opening (that goes on forever) before he enjoyed a lovely long nap and his second long nap was whilst we ate our dinner.

We also had our neighbour from the other lodge, a young lady, join us as her mum and sister were ill. If I’m honest, I wasn’t too happy as there wasn’t really any discussion with me (I don’t really know her apart from saying pleasantries) and just after the year we had I just wanted it to be us…. And I know that sounds incredibly selfish but it’s just how I felt.  But to be fair to her she joined in all our after dinner games and put up with the boys banter so in the end it was ok.

We didn’t leave the table until gone 10pm when we retired to the front room for some music games but everyone started to flag by now and we were in bed by midnight.

I hope you all had a wonderful day whatever you chose to do.

Merry Christmas dear Blippers. :-)

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