The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

The big day. Vaccination for the Pterodactyl

She does not know  what is coming, but I hope and awful  lot more sleep. Free Running will commence very shortly.  GD s wait until after a 3rd at 16 weeks as 25% of dogs don't  get good immunity with 2. (Apparently  something  happened down south a long time ago and we are on lockdown for 16.5 weeks). Perhaps  you can get an incling of why I am mental.
I was awoken  at 04.50 today.  Better than 03.30, so win win. Bed changed and back into cage by 05.00.
The 2 hours sleep Ally allowed me to catch, probably  saved 2 lives and a marriage.
Even H was worried  about my health when we dropped in after the vet. I was just worried about what I stood on on her grass. 
Must put on a lottery ticket, or is it only bird's poo that counts?



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