Oil Rig

I started the day with another run, which was pretty much the same route as yesterday.  It didn’t feel nearly as hot and oppressive as it did yesterday though.  TT and I then went for a coastal walk from Portmahomack. We were time limited, but I told him I would be stopping as soon as we encountered cows.  As it was we didn’t get as far as the cows, and time was against us, so we had to turn round and re-trace our steps.  We had booked a table in the local café for lunch, and it did not disappoint.  Lovely staff, great service and fabulous food.  What more could we have asked for?
Mindful of the weather forecast, that a storm was brewing, we headed off in the car.  Our first stop was Tain Pottery – where a few purchases were made 0- one of which replaced an item that was smashed a couple of years ago.   Next stop was The Blackisle Brewery, where more purchases were made.  Next stop was Avoch – we had a wander and were very aware that the weather was deteriorating and it was getting very grey and dark.  We tried to purchase crisps for BB in Avoch, but the shop was pretty much out of crisps.  We continued on our way to Cromarty.  I love a wander around Cromarty.  Today we had quite a fast paced walk.  We stopped and had a look around the old graveyard and were really truck by the number of children buried there.  The weather seemed to be closing in on us, so we didn’t linger, which was a shame.  We timed it well, as just as we left Cromarty the heavens opened and the rain was torrential.
We just headed home and endured the rain.  Later we watched some TV, glad we were in our cosy cottage.
The contrast between the massive oil rigs in the Cromarty Firth and the wee historic village of Cromarty is quite stark.

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