Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Seed heads

Our last day of this little break.  The day started grey, but at least it wasn't raining.  So we drove the short distance to Minsmere RSPB reserve, where they have a car charger, which we were able to use.  

Then a wander around in very gloomy conditions.  I chose to only bring the compact camera on this short break, and my little Canon struggled to get any photos that were not too grainy to use.  

The only reasonable bird photo is in extras.  We didn't see anything exciting - no bitterns, no marsh harriers, but we did see avocets, teal, lapwings, shelduck - but none of my photos are blipworthy.  So instead, you get an "arty" photo of a seed head.

After indulging in a late lunch in the cafe there, we have spent the evening relaxing in the cottage.  Despite minimal exercise, I'm pretty tired - W says that's good because it suggests I'm really relaxed - and we're struggling to keep the wood burner going - it's too small, or the logs are too big, so an early night beckons.   

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