Cliffs of Dooneen

You may travel far far from your own native home

Far away oer the mountains far away oer the foam

But of all the fine places that I've ever seen,

There's none to compare with The Cliffs of Dooneen

Son#1 announced he was feeling almost normal (!!), the sun was shining, the wind had died down slightly so we headed off to Dooneen - the end of the world. The colours were spectacular, the space immense and nothing but the wind and waves to be heard. Fabulous. We then lunched at the Heron Cafe, I've mowed the lawn and it's warm enough for the polytunnel to need watering. All good.
Worth biggifying. And why does son #1 always have to teeter on the edge?I hope I've got my horizon straight or Earthdreamery will be on at me!

Cliffs of Dooneen I don't think Christy was singing about these cliffs but it fits rather well. I'm not entirely convinced.

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