Ball in the bath

3 years 165days

Katie's been doing some good sleeping recently. I vaguely remember us getting up as she wanted the toilet, but went straight back to sleep and she stayed asleep til 7am. However, its partly because she's not yet made the switch with the time change I think.

She had a bit of a sulk about going in the bath - she often does at the moment, but then totally loves being in there. Today it was taking her ball in the bath that persuaded her she wanted to get in. We snuggled her in the stars wrap to go to nursery. While she's been there, our friend Sarah has arrived to stay for a couple of nights so she is very excited about that. However, when I picked her up from nursery, she went extremely shy and tired. She snuggled Right into my back in the wrap and fell deep asleep after a couple of blocks' walk.

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