Another hummer
Just before daylight this morning the hummingbirds were buzzing the window near where I was sitting. I very carefully walked out on the frozen snow/ice on the deck to hang the feeder. Two little hummingbird sat on the feeder as soon as I was out the door and started eating while I was carrying it. They must be so cold they are not worried about me being close. I took the long lens and walked along the fire trail and was able to get pretty close to this one and the really good news is I am handholding the lens once again! This is minimally processed, no sharpening or denoise work done, no adjusting of color. If this one looks over processed I will need to take a look at my export settings, maybe I have something off there. ( does look better in large view) More snow and freezing weather in the forecast for tonight, I have already exchanged a frozen feeder out mid day for the little birds. We were supposed to go to a Blazer NBA basketball game tonight, but our sons guest has just cancelled as her sister tested positive for Covid. I'm now thinking with the weather I may stay home with a book and the fire going...and something nice to sip on.
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