A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Kaffee und Kuchen

At Salt’s Diner.

I know it is traditional in Germany to have coffee and cake at around 4.O0pm but we like our coffee in the late morning.

A quick trip to Saltaire this morning as I had seen a couple of things in Salt’s Mill before Christmas that I thought might disappear when they cleared the Christmas stock. It was a bit of a risk as during the pandemic the mill has been closed Monday and Tuesday but as yesterday and today have been Bank Holidays we thought it was worth a try. Not only was the mill open but the Diner was too so we just had to have coffee.
They only do coffee or tea and cake before 11.45 so we just had to have some cake too. Apple and prune cake - that should be healthy don’t you think! (Chose to blip this as I rather liked the crocodile above the cake cabinet!)

Nice to get out anyway and a better day after the usual initial murk first thing. Even a hint of sun just before it started to get dark. Saw a few of the famous Advent windows as we returned to the car bur they look much better after dusk.

A very different day too without the little ones. Blips from our magical Christmas have all made it to the popular pages so thank you all very much for joining us over the last few days.

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