Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Chocolate Lovers

I took this still life this morning for TinyTuesday because outside was grey and raining.  Then after lunch the sun came out so off I went to the reserve.  Five minutes in the sun disappeared.  I waited.  No sun.  Eventually I went home.  Then the sun came out again.  Grrrr!!

However I did like this shot so I'm not really complaining - just in slight despair with the forecast horrible for many days going forward.  Never mind, perhaps it's wrong!

So about this shot.  The tiny book on chocolate was given to me by K years ago.  It's just under 6x5cms and sitting next to an M&S salted caramel chocolate pinecone that somehow didn't get eaten on Saturday.  Many thanks to carol_dunham for hosting today..

Enjoy your evening all  xx

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