Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Cold - Where is spring?

I took my mother to buy a new bed today - that was fun! After purchasing the bed, we went to the garden centre for lunch and then for a short stroll in Yarrow Country Park.

It was bright and sunny but the wind was bitterly cold, and it didn't take long before mum began to complain about it. I left her on a bench for a few minutes, but when I came back she was breaking up bits of twig and giving them to the coots to build their nests. Nice, but my mother looked like she was going to fall head-first into the water. She wasn't using her frame and she didn't look at all balanced. It isn't a natural lake and the sides are very steep.

This is the smallest of the lakes - more like a large pond. The fisherman always come up to this lake during the school holidays.

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