Afternoon ride (Day 2425)

After the morning wander with Sigyn I had some time at home doing nothing while my beautiful wife was off doing taxi driving for a hoss.
I was collected as she headed back to Stromness to drop off the trailer. While HV got on with giving Red a haircut, I set about sorting a couple of little electrical gremlins in the trailer lights, then poo picked George and Red's field. Despite the frost on the ground the lack of wind meant it felt really warm in the sunshine.
Home for lunch, then a wander with Sigyn at Lyde. After a very brief stop at home we headed for the horses again and got out a ride on George and Red. First time I have ridden George bit-less and he was no different to how he would be if he had a bit in his mouth.
The light was stunning while we were out and it was fabulous to see the hills of Scotland painted orange as the sun set (extra)

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