Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Christmas meal

Off to the golf course early this morning and it was very misty. Surprised not to see any more dog walkers out first thing like us to get it over and done with. Came back and had egg benedict for breakfast, mine with bacon and J’s with smoked salmon, took an extra try to poach the egg in a saucepan as we are not used to doing it that way. Got the pork in the oven and started on the turkey crown and then the veg under the watchful eye of Kilda. J’s parents came over for around 1pm and we had dinner for 2pm. Turkey and pork came out well and the turkey was moist. Afternoon watching the Queen and relaxing. J’s parents went home around 6pm when we took the dogs for a walk down to the pub. Night in watching TV, call the midwife was on so I opened up my new board game and gave it a try. Mum had a nice day, which was good to see.

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