
We all want to feel special. It doesn’t take a lot of money to make someone feel special. A smile, a coffee, an ear. It’s so important to make others feel special and worthwhile.
Well I sure feel special! I “met” a fellow chicken/duck lover on a bird page and found out she’s an artist. We communicate often per messenger and I already had one of her paintings/drawings. She does pet portraits by consignment. When we got home last night, we had a package. She hand painted 3 of our animals onto ornaments!! Ethel, Albert, and my man FRANK!!! That someone as talented as her would take time to do this for me means the world! She has blessed my socks off!
It really doesn’t take a lot to bless someone. A word, a coffee, something made personally just for them. I am convicted to pay this forward and be more intentional in my interactions with others. A very blessed day.
Oh, btw, we have to get covid tested tomorrow. Turns out we were exposed ( all of us) Christmas Eve. I have a headache and what feels like a sinus infection but that’s not unusual for me. Johnny is tired but we’ve been traveling. Tomorrow is day 5 post exposure so we will take the guesswork out of it! Besides, Jessica and the gang have planned to have a NYs party here! Would hate to miss her gumbo! More than that, would hate to make anyone sick!!
Be blessed!!

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