
By HeartFreek

White Out

Day 90 something.

Woke up with a start this morning, thinking I might have got my times wrong for work. Found myself sitting in my dressing gown, wishing laptop would hurry up and fire up, only to find I was due at work in just 15 minutes!!!! work that was 45 minutes away - well it would have been if I hadn't accidentally driven ONTO the motorway!!!!

Anyway, luckily, I wasn't the only one who had cocked up todays timings, so there was obviously someone else to blame and everything worked out fine in the end - except I hadn't showered, done my makeup or had breakfast!!!

Today, the weather also had a cockup!! I found myself driving through a white out - its APRIL for gods-sake!!! The snow was driving sideways which makes your eyes sting!!

Home now and Ill have a shower once Iv finished dinner!!! Promise!


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