Tiny Dinosaurs II

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I wanted to call today's blip "Tiny Dinosaurs" and then it occurred to me that (strangely) I had used this title before.


The reason it would be appropriate for today is that Shenée is wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a chicken and the t-shirt reads, "I Raise Tiny Dinosaurs". 

It was my Xmas gift for her - and you have to admit that it is PERFECT for a dinosaur-obsessed chicken fancier, right? I was SO impressed with myself. 

Today I was invited over to learn how to play "Catan" which was fun. Caro was unable to come because she was working. But that was ok. 

Shenée and Craig are heaps of fun together, and they get very competitive and Shenée may have called Craig a c*nt for placing his road across hers at one point. She may also have rubbed her boobs with resource cards when she got two at once.

I'm not sure this is strictly how the game is played but it was a lot of fun.

Oh, and asking other players if they had wood never stopped being funny. 

The pair even offered to drive me home afterward, which was awfully kind of them. On the way, I told Shenée about another of our work friends who is also having a tough time at the moment. She got right on the phone with them, offering kind words and useful advice.

In other words, she is as Shenée as ever. 

So that was my day today. Hanging out and laughing with mates. There are worse ways to spend a Wednesday. 


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