
The wall, now plastered. The window-side wall is also done but not the window-surround and there's still the kitchen bit, all the hall, the bit above the door and the entire wall opposite the wall still to do; no way he'll be finishing tomorrow. I'd also he rather took a little more time and slowed down a bit and resisted bending the radiator feed-pipes (especially to get at a bit of wall he has to go slowly around anyway because of the radiator brackets) to avoid risking any sort of watery leakage. I understand that a plasterer bending radiator feed pipes out of the way is a little akin to watching televised surgery when the surgeon hoicks and heaves skin and connective tissue all over the place: they know what they're doing and know the limits of the material they work with better than the observer. The other side of that is that even if not ripped during the hoicking the skin of the ensurgeried-person probably hurts when it wakes up; likewise the pipes.

I would like to point out that the covering for the plug is formed from Plasterbloke's newspaper, brought into the flat and read solely by Plasterbloke.

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