
By XSworld

Checking out the gear

This morning I was intent on doing some tripod exercise hoping that a bird would pose neatly (and spontaneously..sic) right in front of my lens. There were a lot of birds all around me, chitting and chatting and moving from one tree to another but they did not collaborate with me at all, and all I could get was the silhouette of distant birds and a couple of not-so-in-focus robin shots. I formulated a modified uncertainity principle for birds, the position and the image of an bird cannot both be acquired exactly, at the same time! It certainly was like that for me today. Chapeau to all the great birdphotographers on blipfoto that have the patience and capacity to capture the feathered fellows. I have a lot to learn from you. Then an unexpected bee passed by, probably awoken by the out of season warm weather. So I quickly hooked my camera off the tripod and changed to a macro lens, but while I was doing that the bee flew towards my tripod. When the bee had explored the tripod from every angle, it landed in front of me (extra), laughed heartily for a while and bursted out with "I don't think that this threelegged monster can help you to capture insect photos". Then it was off to look for some decemberblossom in the garden. It has got a point!

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