Get well card
I really hope I do get well. Every evening I've been hit by something quite painful. Last night my right ear blocked and with it awful tinnitus. I coughed as soon as I got in bed, I did get to sleep as I was tired but woke up coughing a couple of hours later. I felt really tired when I woke up and my ear was still painful. I decided to get in touch with the doctors. The doctor rang me he didn't want to give me antibiotics telling me they won't help only give me diarrhea but he would give me some but not to start them until Friday. It was hard speaking on the phone. I went out to put the bin out for tomorrow and my neighbours were out. They have had the same cold and Rosie had the same ear problem. I couldn't be bothered going for a walk or going for the prescription but I will tomorrow. Mel had done some shopping for me and when she brought it Ada had put this get well card in the bag. Am hoping I have more energy tomorrow.
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