Living Room

This is The Best Ball. I bought three disposable balls back in what I think was 2000. It was Horace's 30th I think and we were all up at Dave's folks house in Nairn. Al & I went into town in the car, a peugeot, and I bought the balls. They, for some reason, only sold them in threes. Two fell by the wayside in the initial stages of Teuchter Ball Ownership but this one, the Best one has survived all these years. It became The Best Ball because it was the best ball for David to play with in Balfour Street back garden as it wasn't too heavy for him to kick but also didn't fly away as it wasn't too light either. Not sure anyone should really have an emotional attachment to a football or any inanimate object for that matter but I do and the kids do. Just a facet of personality that gets passed down, genetically predisposed as I don't actively encourage worship of 'things' but then I don't really discourage it either. Why bother? Where is the harm?

I love you Best Ball. But most of all, I love your memories. Tiny Wee Dee, learning to kick a ball for the first time. Kicking it up over his head when ever I said 'Boot!' In the most perfect garden in Leith. Those were some perfect times.

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