From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Master and apprentice

Firmly in the territory of family happy snap today, rather than anything warranting the term "photography"!

After so many exciting adventures over the past few days and weeks, it was actually reassuringly lovely to just spend a day at home today. We didn't have call to use the car - or even to open the front door. It was grey and trying to snow outside, so we didn't bother using the back door either. Instead, I spent some time on the computer catching up on things, sorting stuff out, made a cake, built a marble run, did some washing, a bit of planning and generally pottered. The little Gs watched a film, listened to some songs, collaborated on a jigsaw (possibly the first time ever?) and tried to play a game together. Little G was admirably patient with his little sister's reluctance to stick to the rules, and - despite my fears to the contrary - the game ended amicably, with little sis declared the winner, and was tidied away into its box before I even had to ask. Wonders will never cease!

It'll doubtless not happen again for a while - if ever - so worth recording ;-)

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