The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Flying Saucers ????

I was free-styling today, not sure where I'd end up but sure I'd see something interesting if I was patient and took a risk or two. I started out on a four lane, turned onto a back road, then turned onto a smaller back road, then onto a dirt road, then onto a smaller dirt road, and finally onto a lane where if I met someone coming the other way one of us would need to back up for a ways to let the other guy get by.

Along the way I managed to get several pics that were likely blip candidates. One, a shot of a bit of Thistle in a field was the front runner until I turned onto the lane and noticed that the owner of the property had mounted these whimsical what-nots made of old china on blue stakes to line the edge of the property. The thought of some unknown artist creating them for whatever unknown reason intrigued me, but the "No Trespassing" sign discouraged my exploring the property any further.

Ahh, sweet mystery of life five miles off the beaten track .... and the adventure continues.

If you'd like to see today's "Almost a Blip" click on Thistle

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