The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pooch Patrol

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went on our annual mates (& families) “Almost New Year/We’re all a bit bored now” dog walk at Yellowcraigs beach today.

I’ve never seen the beach that busy in winter. There were LOADS of people including a small group of people fishing. Brodie (dog) managed to distract them by getting into the bait bag and wolfing down the small bits of fish…which gave Murphy enough time to swallow their catch (of one) whole! My profuse apology wasn’t quite enough to change the aghast expressions on their faces.

It was lovely to see everyone. We couldn’t do the usual lunch after (as there were 5 households) but had a picnic at a bench instead. One of our mates was very organised and brought biscuits, homemade sausage rolls and flasks of mulled wine and coffee for the whole group . Everyone else came with a hastily bought sandwich from the garage on the way!*


*Other than Jenk who had picked up the wrong Tupperware from his fridge which turned out to be uncooked cauliflower cheese!

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