yet another day

By yetanotherday


My husband had another eye appointment today, so he took the day off work. As we had a few hours free before his appointment we went settee shopping again. We had thought that we had found the settees that we wanted a few weeks ago, but then we realised that we wouldn't be able to get them in the house :( I had suggested knocking through a wall to the garden at the side of the house and putting in french doors, but had to agree that that was a bit extreme and getting something smaller would be better. Anyway, we've now narrowed it down to one of three ranges from Next, so we now have to decide on sizes and colour... this could take a while.

Appointment was at noon and as there were no spaces in the car park I waited in the car. It only took 45 minutes and he was out again, with blurry eyesight from the drops. They've now decided that one of his retinas doesn't look right and he will have to go to High Wycombe for a scan in a few months. It's probably not a problem as his retinas have never been the right shape anyway.

Weather was freezing and it snowed all day, is it really April?????

Candle was blipped as I didn't take any other photos today.

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