The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond

Looking dreich from the coach today! I woke early because the carers had come back after their Christmas break, and the diabetic nurse/jagger made an appearance, too.

My hopes of a last stroll along Cuil Bay were dashed because we were trying to help my mother get ready for her lift to church, when some dog walkers turned up with the dog, Lulu, who used to live at the house but has been rehomed since the death of her former master Various phone calls were made, with my mother muttering about people who deliberately hide their phone numbers, and the upshot was that my mother was not dressed when her lift turned up. Her lift took Lulu back along the bay to her new home, and mother got dressed and left for church. Then my sister K and her youngest, E, turned up to take us to the bus at Ballachulish. I had to get dressed for that!

We said our goodbyes in the village, the coach turned up on time, and took us to Glasgow airport. The rest of the day proceeded smoothly. J, who was travelling back with me, had never seen Glencoe or Rannoch Moor in daylight, and was duly amazed. The weather was dreich, as depicted above. Our flight took off on time, and Cleansteve picked us up at Bristol airport.

We arrived in Stroud at about 7.30pm, and I plan to spend the next 48 hours resting, and doing and doing a huge amount of laundry. Life on the edge, indeed!

Happy Hogmanay everyone.

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