On the seventh day of Christmas...
My true love gave to me,
Seven Pampas swaying,
Six deer a-glowing,
Five gol-den balls,
Four choccie logs,
Three French pens,
Two Scandi gonks,
And a fluffy cat sitting by a Christmas tree!
New Year’s Eve at the RUH, Bath
Horrible, horrible day. News at hospital not good, dad fast tracked for surgery. Back home, four incredibly stressful hours on the phone, ping ponging between different law enforcement agencies, none of whom could physically cancel the fraudulent credit account. After that I physically could do no more and passed the baton to my brother who at 1am Singapore time, 1 January 2022, sent off an email, a last ditch attempt. In the meantime, the fraudulent account is still open, and being used.
Have opened the bubbles early, for medicinal reasons of course! Wishing you all a Happy New Year, when it comes!
Take care, stay safe and well...
(Roadmap Out Of Lockdown Step 4b - Day 22)
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