
By Grammy

New Year’s Eve

Cloudy, again. High of 55 deg F but the dampness made it feel cooler. Hubby hacked all night in the Rec Room so, being a light sleeper, I was awake more than asleep. Am paying for it today -I am completely useless. Hubby was tired also but he managed to accomplish a few things: exercised, took care of the kitties, played his mandolin, designed my bike rack, etc. He’s been researching mandolins for months as the one he has was really just a “starter” instrument to see if he could learn to play. Today, he bit the bullet and ordered a much nicer one. With all the germs circulating in this house, I Lysoled (again) and opened windows to hopefully clean the air a bit. Sure hope we get his COVID results tomorrow. Sounds like most of our family will have a low key New Year’s Eve. My son is safely home from NC, my youngest daughter and her husband are still under the weather, my oldest daughter is having one couple over. Since hubby is no better, the standing rib roast my sister and I bought for tonight is in the freezer. Hubby and I will just eat leftover soup and be happy. My sister and BIL will stay home. Our mother is choosing to be alone and safe. I went outside long enough to snap this photo of our front door wreath. We give praise and honor to the Holy Family this week. Although my quote refers to Christmas gifts, I think these could be great goals for 2022. Happy New Year folks. Have a safe and peaceful beginning of 2022! Thanks for the visit. "Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." - Oren Arnold

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