Good-bye 2021

Our view of the hills of Annadale State Park seemed a suitable way to end this year. I hope the beautiful blue sky is a harbinger of better things coming in 2022 for all of us.

The best thing that happened to us in 2021 was having Spike join us. He is a happy and uncomplaining companion despite losing his eyesight and has kept us endlessly entertained and busy.

The worst thing that happened was probably the Glass Fire, which burned up to our house, destroying most of the homes around us. We are beyond grateful to the Timber Cove Volunteer Fire Department who reportedly made a stand at our house as it was beginning to catch fire. My admiration for all the fire fighters who have been kept so busy here is beyond measure.

As we drag into our third year of learning about the Covid virus and how to live with it, my most fervent wish is that those who have resisted being vaccinated will change their minds. We don't need any more Greek letters. As omicron rages around the globe, the most hopeful thing about it is that does not seem to be killing those who are well vaccinated, and that some, including Dr Anthony Fauci, are saying that it may peak next month and burn out quickly. May it be so. 

My condolences to those who have lost family, friends and neighbors to this terrible disease.

I will always be grateful for Blipfoto and all those who have helped each other and me through these difficult and isolating times. I feel that although I haven't met most of you, you are close friends. I hope we can continue to see other through the hard times and rejoice with each other over the good ones.

Happy New Year and may 2022 bring hope, health, and peace of mind.  


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