B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Done with ‘21

Christmas tree came down today. I was happy with it being up for a few more days but it was really dry and I would hate to have it become a fire hazard.  It’s an odd year for me, as I’m usually more than ready on Dec 26th to get my house back, but really hesitated to remove the holiday from my house.  I was surprised at just how little fell from the tree in both removing ornaments and transporting it outside.  This small pile was all that remained.  We will certainly be purchasing our next tree from Central Maine Wreath.

It has been a rough day. Colby got into an accident in Skowhegan. It’s a tough intersection to begin with, but add snowbanks and vehicles parked along the side of the road and it’s a recipe for an accident. His truck is in better shape then hers, he has minor damage that we hope to fix this weekend. It’s always tough as a parent to get that call though.  We all recognize it was an accident and unintentional, but It’s been a tough year for Colby and not how I wanted to go into 2022.  

Hearing that we lost one of the greatest actresses of all time had me feeling sad. So after dinner I decided to clean my closet and watch The Proposal in honor of the great Betty White.  She would have been 100 in a few weeks and worked right up until her passing.  What an incredible woman she was.  (Yes, I clean when I’m stressed, sad, anxious).

Here’s to an incredible 2022.  May we all be blessed with health, wealth and strength.

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