
My poinsettias are still hanging in there...I have never had one survive into the new year before...maybe this year will be different.

We went to Ron's house to drop off a few things and stayed to watch the sunset. We all wore out N95 Masks. See sunset in extra.

Ron's daughter is really sad because she is with her boyfriend's family for a few days AND they are suddenly all sick and testing positive for Covid. She won't be able to go back home to spend time with her Dad before she heads back to college...she is so sad! Every moment feels precious; she is of course regretting her choice to spend those days away from her Dad. Ron is attempting to make her feel okay about her situation; lots of love in that relationship. 

Happy New Year, everyone out in Blipland. I pray 2022 will bring peace, joy, and good health...and Miracles!

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