Place: St Pete Beach, FL 65/77
Main activity: Fri - New Year's Eve, around the condo
Notes: Woke at the crack (around 330a) and was up for awhile. Back did not seem better. Did some exercises that I thought could help loosen and release. Got on the couch to write and realize I just needed to rest a bit, woke up just before 730a. Texted Joe that I couldn't walk the dogs and wobbled around the house all day - spasms weren't huge and intense like last time but very limiting. Decided to make it only a healthy liquid day. Talked to Mom in the morning, Joe and Al in the afternoon. Cleaners came to the unit below and new people in immediately. Finally made it down in the evening to put my "welcome" note (with the ask for closing the door gently, included with my thanks and good wishes). Fog rolled in to make the evening and night seem as if it could out more gently. New year's eve was mostly uneventful - messaged with Joe and Steve for awhile (had just been a really big fire near Boulder where he had packed a bag and was ready to evacuate). Burned my cedar balsam candle with jazz music and snow/mtns/fireplace on streaming to stay in calm. Fireworks at 8p were loud and long (are right behind the building here on the beach) but was glad they went at 8p. Straggling ones went off for another couple hrs but wasn't as bad as I expected. Went to bed and put ear plugs in - once I got to sleep, slept thru (new year miracle!). 

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