Only read on if you are thoroughly bored and have nothing better to do :-))

The last few NYEs have included lots of nibbles, drinks and games with the family and then we struggle through NY day with a roast.  This year I suggested something different and everyone was very much up for it ~ a 1920s murder mystery dinner.

As host, I went through the character descriptions beforehand and matched them to our guests for a best fit. We had….
Victoria Sponge the baker  (Nat)
Steph O’Scope doctor (Lucy)
Juan Iron golfer (Mr C)
Taylor Stummi tailor (Sim)
Sue Zennyone lawyer (Bex)
Ed Lyne journalist (Natalie)

They really did themselves proud and embraced the game brilliantly, dressing up and getting into character for the evening. The game begins before dinner and then there are different rounds between each course. As for dinner, we had…
Coquilles St. Jacques (M&S)
Pesto halloumi kebabs for Bex

Beef wellington, dauphinois potatoes, parsnips and selection of greens (Cook)
Chicken & mushroom pie for Bex

Raspberry pavalova roulade (Cook)

There are 3 different endings so you are able to play again if you wish and the murderer is in a sealed envelope, so even I didn’t know who it was.  The murderer in tonight’s game was Sue Zennyone ..I.e Bex. They also had to vote for best dressed and best actor.  Best dressed was a tie between Mr C and Sim and the best actor award went to Nat who did her character with a Scottish accent and I awarded both Lucy and Natalie as best detective for working out who the murderer was.

We finished around 10ish so had time to play a couple of other games, one being PictionaryAir, stopping at midnight to see the new year in . Then continued for a while playing a music game.  It was a lovely evening and everyone said they enjoyed it.

At midnight I open the back door to let the old year out and the front door to let the new year in.  I quite happily told 2021 to f*** off.  Apart from the arrival of our dear little O, who is the most adorable, happy little chappie around and melts my heart every time I see him,  2021 has been absolutely pants for me.  I have cried more this year than I care to remember,  99% of the time on my own going to and from work when I think about the children hurting and struggling.  I know they are adults but you never stop worrying about them and if anything it is so much worse now they are adults.  Anyway, my hopes are for a much better and brighter 2022 and, in time, I hope everyone finds happiness that they so very much deserve.

(If you read all that jargon above, you have been awarded a big gold star by me!!! :-D)

On that note dear blippers I wish you all an incredibly happy new year and let’s hope 2022 brings us all that we hope and dream for.  May you stay safe and healthy.

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