
By Veronica


Let's hope for some in 2022. 

Negative tests done and dusted yesterday morning. We were invited to A and C's yesterday evening, along with his brother M and partner J, H and M, and P and C. H had brought sparklers for everyone but forgot to get them out till we were leaving ...

Everyone brought something to share and there was a ridiculous amount of food. After more courses of starters than I could count, including glasses of freshly foraged mushroom soup and a Georgian dish of beetroot and walnuts, A and C had cooked a big couscous with vegetables and some of their home-reared lamb. Cheese and two puddings. It was all delicious but not really conducive to a good night's sleep. P and C are keen country dancers and tried to help us digest by pulling us all into a Circassian circle dance. Some of us were more gifted than others. Then we watched P and C do mazurkas.

Oh, I forgot my camera. So no blip yesterday! A day at home today, preparing for an adventure tomorrow ... so I got S to light the sparklers once it got dark. Happy sparkly new year dear blipmates!

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