The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Happy New Year!

This shot is from Stroud cemetery near the chapel, to where we stumbled in the darkness in order to have the best viewpoint for Stroud's many firework displays. New year came in with a multicoloured bang and plenty of social distancing. Other people, mainly youngsters, were in the cemetery, but there was nothing that you'd call a party going on.

Later, after a few nips from our flasks/bottles, we made our way back down the hill and back into the world of houses, streets and cars. The Hootenanny was on TV (Jools Holland's music programme for new year). The highlight for me was Ed Sheeran agreeing, casually to duet with a young singer, Joy Crookes, on the song On Raglan Road. This just happens to be one of my favourite songs, with words/lyrics by the poet Patrick Kavanagh. Ed and Hollie had a quick.practice backstage and then went live with the song. For the singer Joy this must have been the most terrifying and exhilarating moment of her young life. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that my heart was banging in time with hers.

Most of the rest of today has been spent catching up with friends and family by text or phone; starting a jigsaw; watching TV and trying not to fall asleep! I'm still recovering from my long trip to see my family. A holiday to get over my holiday.

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